
SamsunGizmag compares the specs (and other features) of the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 and 4th-gen iPad
Gizmag compares the specs (and other features) of the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 and 4th-gen iPad
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We're all familiar with the smartphone rivalry between Apple and Samsung. And though the two companies also sell competing tablets, things aren't quite the same on that end. Apple's iPad is still firmly planted in the driver's seat in terms of sales, brand recognition, and critical reception. Maybe part of that can be chalked up to the fact that Samsung's Galaxy Tabs, unlike its Galaxy S smartphones, are all decidedly mid-range. Let's find out just how mid-range, as we compare the specs (and other features) of the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 and 4th-generation iPad.


The Galaxy Tab's thinness is one of its few advantages over the iPad
The Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 is only a hair longer than the iPad. It is about five percent narrower though. It's also a very thin tablet, shaving almost 15 percent off of the iPad's depth.


The Tab's weight is another nice perk
The new full-sized Galaxy Tab is also quite the featherweight. It's about 22 percent lighter than the iPad.


Aluminum or plastic?
Part of the lighter weight goes back to the Tab's plastic build (though battery probably plays the biggest part). The iPad is made of anodized aluminum, a favorite material of Apple Design VP Jony Ive.


Sizes are roughly the same, but the iPad has much higher resolution
So much for the Galaxy Tab's promising start here. The iPad's display eats it for breakfast. The Tab 3's 149 pixels per inch (PPI) screen just isn't in the same league as the iPad's 264 PPI Retina Display.
But wait, isn't the Galaxy Tab's screen at least bigger? Well, technically yes, not by much. When you're dealing with different aspect ratios, those diagonal measurements listed above can be deceiving. The iPad's screen actually has 99 percent as much real estate as the Galaxy Tab's screen. In other words, not nearly enough of a difference to count as an advantage for Samsung's slate.


The performance advantage probably goes to the iPad
As we mentioned with other recent mid-range Samsung devices, it's a pretty safe bet you aren't getting the cream of the crop when they don't tell you the make of the processor.
On paper, it matches the two cores and outclocks the 1.4GHz of the iPad's A6X chip. But we wouldn't hold our breath for any cutting-edge performance from the Tab's mystery meat processor.


1 GB of RAM in each tablet
Each tablet packs 1 GB of RAM.


Apple offers more storage options for the iPad
When it comes to storage, Apple gives you more models to choose from. The Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 does, however, support microSD cards for storing files and media (no apps though). Apple has never made, and probably never will make, an iOS device with a microSD slot.


Both tablets come in both Wi-Fi only and Wi-Fi + mobile data models
Pretty standard here. Both Apple and Samsung sell their tablets in cheaper Wi-Fi only and more expensive Wi-Fi + 3G/LTE mobile data versions.


Nothing out-of-this-world from either tablet's cameras
If you've ever taken pictures with an iPhone 4, that's similar to what you're getting from the iPad's rear camera. We haven't put the Tab 3's shooter through the paces, but don't expect anything amazing.
Both slates, of course, provide ample front-facing shooters for video chat and selfies.


The iPad's battery has much higher capacity, but it also powers many more pixels
Lots more capacity for the iPad, but it also has that much higher-res screen, which sucks up plenty of juice. Without any hands-on time with the Tab 3, we'd consider its uptimes to be an unknown.


At least the Galaxy Tab runs the latest version of Android
We have to tip our hats to Samsung for making sure even its newest mid-range devices ship with the latest version of Android. The Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 also has the tablet version of Samsung's TouchWiz UI layered on top.
The iPad, of course, runs the newest version of Apple's iOS. At the time of publication, that's iOS 6.1.3.


This isn't a very fair side-by-side comparison. Despite two nice advantages for the Galaxy Tab (its thin and lightweight build), the iPad either matches or demolishes it in other categories. Again, we're comparing Apple's high-end to Samsung's mid-range.
And, unfortunately, one of the most important categories for the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 is still a mystery: its price. No word yet from Samsung on this front. For what it's worth, last year's Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 sold for US$400 at launch. Considering the spec sheet on this new model, you could probably do better for that price. But until we get some official confirmation, consider pricing a question mark.
The iPad starts at US$500 for the 16 GB Wi-Fi only model.
If you want to go a bit more portable with your tablet purchases, you can check out our comparison of the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 to the ipad mini.

Ventajas del ipad:
  1. El appStore dispone de una gran varidad de aplicaciones interesantes y muy útiles, puedes encontrar casi cualquier cosa que busques.
  2. El iPad tiene unas líneas muy elegantes, con un borde muy útil para poder apoyar las manos sin tocar la pantalla y activar alguna función sin querer. El peso del dispositivo es óptimo, tiene el peso perfecto para poder sostenerlo con las dos manos sin ningún problema.
  3. Dispone de servicio de rastreo, por si pierdes el dispositivo o te lo roban.
  4. La Multitarea es una de sus características, pudiendo saltar de una tarea a otra como si de un portátil o ordenador de sobremesa se tratara.
  5. Las notificaciones Push son una buena forma de ver tus correos nuevos, conversaciones de chats, o notificaciones propias del sistema.
  6. Tenemos la posibilidad de Sincronización Multiplataforma. Puedes sincronizar tus contactos de Google como de Apple, incluso mezclarlos para tener una super agenda. Lo mismo sucede con los calendarios, tan sólo es necesario logarnos con nuestro usuario de la plataforma que usemos y él mismo sincroniza los eventos, tareas y demás.
  7. Al conectar el dispositivo a un ordenador con iTunes, automáticamente se nos da la posibilidad de crear una copia de seguridad. Así puedes tener tantas copias de seguridad como ordenadores con iTunes tengas o te encuentres.
  8. La batería es una delicia, dura una barbaridad. Han duplicado el tamaño que le dieron a la primera versión del iPad, así que podemos usar nuestro dispositivo unas 10h seguidas.
  9. El bluetooth nos da la posibilidad de añadir un teclado físico inalámbrico al dispositivo.
  10. Podemos crear carpetas tan sólo arrastrando una app encima de otra.
  11. El iPad es la tablet más económica del mercado en relación Calidad-Precio. El modelo más básico de 16GB Wifi, cuesta 479€. Si comparamos ese precio con los portátiles rápidamente nos decantamos hacia el iPad.
  12. El invento de la smart cover es una maravilla, tanto en funcionalidad como en diseño. Al plegar la funda el dispositivo entra en modo reposo, mientras que al desplegarla se activa. Lo increíble de la funda es la manera en la que va acoplada, no hace falta complicarse la vida metiendo el iPad dentro de una funda que no desliza y que acabas maldiciendola por lo que te ha costado meterla, tan sólo es necesario poner a un costado la funda y ésta por arte de magia se acopla al dispositivo con un imán. Tiene la fuerza suficiente para levantar el iPad sin soltarse.
  13. Multitud de Gadgets se pueden acoplar al iPad, desde tablas de mezcla, hasta bases con etapas de potencia para usarlo a modo minicadena.
Ventajas del Samsung tablet:
Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 (7.0) reúne todas las funcionalidades de Internet y las ventajas de la comunicación online en un solo dispositivo portátil. Entre sus servicios destacan: Samsung Hubs, encontraras mulititud de aplicaciones en Google Play, lladas de voz (sólo disponible en versión WiFi + 3G). Además, está desarrollado con la última versión de Android Ice Cream Sandwich y cuenta con amplias opciones de conectividad para ofrecerte un rendimiento inigualable y una usabilidad única.

Android 4.0TM

Con el último sistema operativo de Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, disfrutarás de todas sus características nuevas y sus aplicaciones. Con un rendimiento mejorado, contarás con un navegador web optimizado, una mayor velocidad de respuesta y más fluidez entre pantallas, ofreciéndote la mejor usabilidad.
Ipad- $400
Samsung tablet- $350


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